Write for Us

  • Submissions must meet the content team’s quality standards in order to get published. Editors reserve the right to reject contributions at their discretion and make minor edits to your article.
  • Your article must be 1000+ words and offer something valuable to our readers.
  • You can have a maximum of 2 self-serving links.
  • Outgoing links must be relevant to our blog.
  • Once published on our blog you cannot publish it anywhere else, including your own blog.
  • Images and videos are encouraged, as they make the article look further enticing to the reader.
  • Images width should be 580 pixels or less. Please send them as a separate attachment.
  • Make sure not to violate copyright when using images. Give credit when needed.
  • Includes examples and relevant images to illustrate your point. Avoid using stock photos that don’t add any value to the copy.
  • Includes subheadings, bullet points, and shorter paragraphs which make the article more readable.

Ready to submit?

Email us at:

amruta@thehealthtales.com   or    thehealthtale@gmail.com

Please put the title of your piece in the subject line and the full text in the body of the email.